Saturday, May 15, 2010

One Lucky Blind Date

It is time to reflect on some milestones - Jeff and I will be married for five years in September, I am turning 30 in two months, and we are expecting our first child this October. It seems a new chapter in our lives is about to open. Maybe its nesting or growing older, but for some reason I am compelled to document some of these precious moments - and maybe some of the more challenging ones too.

The title of this blog refers to that lucky blind date that I went on now about seven years ago where I met Jeff for the first time. My expectations were at an all time low - no hopes for a knight in shining armour, maybe just a good dinner out with friends and an opportunity to meet someone new. Little did I know that my future husband almost backed out of this date all together because his expectations were even lower than mine!

Needless to say - now we are both glad that we went and what started as an everyday encounter turned into our love, friendship, and marriage. I guess the advice was actually true - you really do meet the one when you aren't looking. Thanks James and Amy!! :)

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