Thursday, June 17, 2010

And It Begins...The Baby Stuff

Once we announced the pregnancy to all our family - the excited phone calls, cute greetings, and gifts started flowing in. Here are a few of the first baby items that came our way. A card from Auntie Kimber and Uncle Charlie. This was a personal favorite - something about seeing the three elepants was so touching.

Then there was the gifts from proud Grandma Cathie - a sweet corduroy frog with long gangly legs and little tiny books to keep baby entertained. And leave it to her to pick up on my pregnant lady food cravings - Oreos and strawberries for mom!! Thanks Cathie!

And for Jeff's birthday, we got our very first piece of baby clothing - from Auntie Kimber and Uncle Charlie - an absolute necessity for any Willits child. An A's hoodie for the next generation fan.

My friend Grace gave us a subscription to the Parenting "Early Years" magazine so that we could learn about challenges and tips for parents to be. And I couldn't thank my friend Diana enough for getting me my own copy of "The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy" - a book that tells you the knitty gritty of having a baby while giving you a few laughs as well.

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