Sunday, September 5, 2010

Loving Pregnancy

Being pregnant so far has been one of the best experiences of my life. Its hard to explain the feeling. Jeff and I are obviously excited about having a son - its something that we have wanted and waited for. Just knowing that we have been given the opportunity to have our own family and become parents - the highest calling in life- is a gift. But the feeling goes beyond that. 

As people have started to recognize me as being pregnant, it is amazing the reactions I have gotten. Often people ask how far along I am, what I am having, and then I can see the light on their face when they reminisce about raising their children. Its almost like this moment is uniformly the most precious time in everyone's life...almost like they wish they could rewind the clock and live it again. People with limited socials skills will even come out of their shell and smile as they talk of their children. All this builds the momentum behind our excitement - that our life is about to change forever for the better.

Strangers go out of their way just to be nice to me. I've gotten more offers for help with groceries, free gifts from store clerks, and coupons passed my way just because. Every time I go into the quilting store, the workers recognize me and tell me they can't wait to see the monster and nursery projects I'm working on. I've gotten more compliments about my appearance then ever in my life. Its almost like the whole world is on your team, cheering you on, happy for you. What a feeling.

It has also been fun watching Jeff connect with the pregnancy. Initially I think it is harder for a man to feel the reality of what is happening, but as my belly has grown and Miles has begun to move in big ways, I see that same light on Jeff's face. He'll hold my stomach when we are lying in bed in the morning, just to be close to the baby and me. When I get home from work - the arms immediately go the the belly before me. I get a hug and a kiss and I am asked how his boy was today - if he was dancing. I even got a belly kiss the other night. It has also brought out some very interesting nesting instincts in Jeff (although he would deny it as nesting). I see how hard he works to get the nursery painted, and the furniture assembled, and the rocker sanded and finished and I sense it is equally important to him that his son's room is ready for his arrival. But beyond that, there has been discussions of purchasing a gun for the home and a back up generator - just in case something catastrophic were to happen. I think my sweet hubby's protector instinct has gone into overdrive. In some ways watching Jeff transition into the role of a father is like falling in love with him all over again. More reasons to find him wonderful.

As the weeks count down and having a baby starts to become more of a reality, the more I am consumed with gratefulness for this experience. We are looking forward to the moment that we can meet Miles and hold him in our arms and begin this journey together as a family. And hopefully some day I will be the one with the light on my face as I reminisce about this part of my life.

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