Sunday, September 5, 2010

Baby Shower

My friends Jenny, Sal, and Teri threw me the a great baby shower last weekend.  They thought of everything and I left a very spoiled momma.  I felt so loved and there were many thoughtful and fun gifts for baby Miles. Here are some of the highlights:

A Baby Boy Welcome Wreath 
From Auntie Sal

Wooden Letter Blocks
I plan to use these for our front porch once Miles is born

Diaper Cake
Complete with a bulldog topper courtesy of Donna

Yummy Treats
With monster decor & building blocks

Cool Decorations 

Hostesses Dressed in Nursery Colors

Cake to Match the Invitations
With a separate treat for mom - spice cake! :)

A Clothesline Full of Baby Boy Gear

Wonderful Friends and Family

One Happy Mom to Be

One Happy Brother to Be

Jeff's First Baby Dream

My man of few words told me the other night that he had his very first baby dream.  He said that he was holding Miles and there was a lot of commotion going on in the background, but that it all faded out and all he could focus on was the baby. 

 He said that he "woke up with a feeling of happiness and a smile on his face, not tired or thinking about work at all"

Loving Pregnancy

Being pregnant so far has been one of the best experiences of my life. Its hard to explain the feeling. Jeff and I are obviously excited about having a son - its something that we have wanted and waited for. Just knowing that we have been given the opportunity to have our own family and become parents - the highest calling in life- is a gift. But the feeling goes beyond that. 

As people have started to recognize me as being pregnant, it is amazing the reactions I have gotten. Often people ask how far along I am, what I am having, and then I can see the light on their face when they reminisce about raising their children. Its almost like this moment is uniformly the most precious time in everyone's life...almost like they wish they could rewind the clock and live it again. People with limited socials skills will even come out of their shell and smile as they talk of their children. All this builds the momentum behind our excitement - that our life is about to change forever for the better.

Strangers go out of their way just to be nice to me. I've gotten more offers for help with groceries, free gifts from store clerks, and coupons passed my way just because. Every time I go into the quilting store, the workers recognize me and tell me they can't wait to see the monster and nursery projects I'm working on. I've gotten more compliments about my appearance then ever in my life. Its almost like the whole world is on your team, cheering you on, happy for you. What a feeling.

It has also been fun watching Jeff connect with the pregnancy. Initially I think it is harder for a man to feel the reality of what is happening, but as my belly has grown and Miles has begun to move in big ways, I see that same light on Jeff's face. He'll hold my stomach when we are lying in bed in the morning, just to be close to the baby and me. When I get home from work - the arms immediately go the the belly before me. I get a hug and a kiss and I am asked how his boy was today - if he was dancing. I even got a belly kiss the other night. It has also brought out some very interesting nesting instincts in Jeff (although he would deny it as nesting). I see how hard he works to get the nursery painted, and the furniture assembled, and the rocker sanded and finished and I sense it is equally important to him that his son's room is ready for his arrival. But beyond that, there has been discussions of purchasing a gun for the home and a back up generator - just in case something catastrophic were to happen. I think my sweet hubby's protector instinct has gone into overdrive. In some ways watching Jeff transition into the role of a father is like falling in love with him all over again. More reasons to find him wonderful.

As the weeks count down and having a baby starts to become more of a reality, the more I am consumed with gratefulness for this experience. We are looking forward to the moment that we can meet Miles and hold him in our arms and begin this journey together as a family. And hopefully some day I will be the one with the light on my face as I reminisce about this part of my life.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Baby Orientation for the Bulldog

Dear Buzz,

Your bulldog cave will soon become taken over with moving contraptions, toys galore, and little things that make noise - all of which we know you will think need inspection and destruction.  We commend you for your service these past four years for being a loyal and ferocious guard dog and know you will do the same to protect your new little brother.

However, this will be new to you and your mission should you choose to accept it (and you will accept it), is to learn the difference between your things and baby things and to understand personal space.  This is lesson one - we will continue to work with you because we know you are a big love and that old dogs don't learn new tricks overnight.

Love you -

Mom and Dad

By the way Buzz - this type of behavior will become unacceptable, except when authorized!

A Babymoon in Kona

After much debate, Jeff and I decided to invest in one last hurrah before Miles arrives.  Sure we have done lots of things in the recent years - cruises, trips to Las Vegas, Mendocino, San Luis Obispo, Iowa, Lake Tahoe, Reno, Cabo San Lucas, etc - but when I stopped to think about it for a minute - most of those trips were with our friends, to visit family, or to celebrate big events like birthdays or weddings.  In fact, the last time Jeff and I took a legitimate vacation outside of CA alone - just the two of us was our honeymoon.  Almost five years ago!!

When I had that epiphany, I was sure we made the right decision to get outta dodge.  We celebrated my 30th birthday at the Tonga Room in San Francisco - a kickoff to the babymoon - and then departed for Kona the next morning. Here are a few photos from the birthday bash:

On the flight to Kona, we were seated next to a young couple with an adorable 8 month old baby boy.  I couldn't help but tell them how cute their son was - big old chubby cheeks and spiky blonde hair.  The mom says "well I sure hope you still think that after this flight - its our first time"  I could see how nervous the parents were to potentially have to deal with an unhappy baby in a confined space. 

Another big eye opener was how fast Jeff and I cruised through the airport once we landed compared to the new parents who looked like a walking caravan with their car seats, strollers, and bags.  Some of them would laugh at us and say "See what you have to look forward to!" This was another reminder that the babymoon was a GREAT idea!

We stayed at the Fairmont Orchid Resort on the Kohala coast and were deliberate about not making any plans prior to getting there - not even a rental car.  I think we got a lot of what we needed which was no schedule, lots of rest, and lots of fun.  We were on the island for four days and spent most of that time enjoying the resort, laying by the pool or beach, snorkeling, taking naps, and eating to our hearts content.  I kept telling Jeff that I wish I could package the experience into an injectable shot that I could just administer to myself in times of need - you know on those "oh so special" days at work?

Here are a few photos of the resort and grounds.

Here are a few photos of the babymooners

Here are some photos of the boy we can thank for Kona 
Mr. Miles - 25 weeks

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

20 Week Ultrasound & 21 Week Baby Bump

Well, here he is world, our son, Miles David Willits
And here is proud mom - 
starting to look undeniably pregnant at 21 weeks - 
even strangers are pointing it out now!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

3D Ultrasound

At about 18 weeks, as a gift from Grandpa Dave and Grandma Karen - Jeff and I got to see the baby in 3D and take a sneak peak at the gender.  This was such a neat experience and Jeff's first time seeing an ultrasound since the baby blob days.  Needless to say - we were excited.

Jeff was CONVINCED it was going to be a girl.  I'm not sure if it was because he was just trying to psych himself up for parenting a daughter or if it was because he secretly wanted a little princess.  I myself wasn't so sure - they always say a mother's intuition is right, but up until the day of, I really had no indication one way or another.

Except, the night before the ultrasound, I had my first baby dream.  I had previously mentioned to Jeff that I thought it was a bit weird how I had yet to have a dream about our baby.  Right before I woke up that morning, I had a dream that we were going in to the ultrasound and in walks this mad scientist looking ultrasound tech ( who was actually one of my PhD customers from work whose primary job is managing a portfolio of work that has to do with dangerous biological and chemical warfare agents)  Insert photo of Duane - nice guy - but a little creepy to dream about him giving me an ultrasound!! :)  So as he is doing the exam, at the end he says "Well, given the baby's curmudgeon like characteristics, I think a congratulations is in order!"  I looked at him and said "So its a boy?" and he said "Yes, congratulations, you are having a baby boy!"  I woke up and told Jeff about the dream and asked him if curmudgeon was even a real word.  I thought so, but had no idea what it meant. That day I googled it and sure enough - curmudgeon means - "a crusty, ill-tempered, and usually old man". Ha!!

Later that day was the real appointment.  It was so surreal and peaceful.  I got to lay in a comfy bed, in a dim lit room, and enjoy a up close and personal look at the baby.  By now it had distinguishable facial features and  limbs.  Getting to see it move its arms and touch its face was magical.  I think Jeff was really touched as well.  After a few minutes - we got the official declaration - 

it was a boy!  We are having a son!! 
Snakes and snails and puppy tails
 here we come!!

Here is the video from the 3D ultrasound - its a few minutes long - if you hang in there until the end, you'll see him move a bit more and enjoy some godfather like music as well!