Tuesday, June 29, 2010

3D Ultrasound

At about 18 weeks, as a gift from Grandpa Dave and Grandma Karen - Jeff and I got to see the baby in 3D and take a sneak peak at the gender.  This was such a neat experience and Jeff's first time seeing an ultrasound since the baby blob days.  Needless to say - we were excited.

Jeff was CONVINCED it was going to be a girl.  I'm not sure if it was because he was just trying to psych himself up for parenting a daughter or if it was because he secretly wanted a little princess.  I myself wasn't so sure - they always say a mother's intuition is right, but up until the day of, I really had no indication one way or another.

Except, the night before the ultrasound, I had my first baby dream.  I had previously mentioned to Jeff that I thought it was a bit weird how I had yet to have a dream about our baby.  Right before I woke up that morning, I had a dream that we were going in to the ultrasound and in walks this mad scientist looking ultrasound tech ( who was actually one of my PhD customers from work whose primary job is managing a portfolio of work that has to do with dangerous biological and chemical warfare agents)  Insert photo of Duane - nice guy - but a little creepy to dream about him giving me an ultrasound!! :)  So as he is doing the exam, at the end he says "Well, given the baby's curmudgeon like characteristics, I think a congratulations is in order!"  I looked at him and said "So its a boy?" and he said "Yes, congratulations, you are having a baby boy!"  I woke up and told Jeff about the dream and asked him if curmudgeon was even a real word.  I thought so, but had no idea what it meant. That day I googled it and sure enough - curmudgeon means - "a crusty, ill-tempered, and usually old man". Ha!!

Later that day was the real appointment.  It was so surreal and peaceful.  I got to lay in a comfy bed, in a dim lit room, and enjoy a up close and personal look at the baby.  By now it had distinguishable facial features and  limbs.  Getting to see it move its arms and touch its face was magical.  I think Jeff was really touched as well.  After a few minutes - we got the official declaration - 

it was a boy!  We are having a son!! 
Snakes and snails and puppy tails
 here we come!!

Here is the video from the 3D ultrasound - its a few minutes long - if you hang in there until the end, you'll see him move a bit more and enjoy some godfather like music as well!

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