Friday, June 18, 2010

He Can Handle a Son..No Problem!

Jeff and I were on a walk with Buzz on the path behind our house one day when we saw a lizard in the grass beside us. I said to him "Aww just think if we have a son, this is the type of thing that little boys live for...catching lizards" Then Jeff said "You know how to get them right?" As his eyes light up and a smile flashes on his face, he picks a weed out of the ground and proceeds to tie it in a neuse. Then he explains that if you slip the neuse around the lizard's head, they will run and it will tighten around their neck and you've got them. Somehow I could see he was channeling his inner child and I realized that he's got the boy thing down - its the tea parties I'm not so certain about :)

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