Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Unexpected Conception

After the miscarriage, we continued to try to get pregnant, but it was a bit challenging to tell when the time was right. It wasn't until I stopped trying to predict ovulation and let go of ideal timelines that it actually happened. I even started looking for new opportunities with work, frustrated that I had put everything else about me "on hold" thinking that a pregnancy was imminent.

We took a trip to Las Vegas to celebrate several of our friends 30th birthdays in January. It was our first trip away in a while and we were looking forward to letting loose a bit. Apparently, we hit the jackpot because it was this weekend that we got pregnant even though we didn't think it was the "right time" for it to happen. Our friends jokingly say that we should name the baby "Mandy Bay" if it is a girl as a tribute to our stay that weekend at the Mandalay Bay hotel.

When I didn't receive my cycle that month I was hopeful that perhaps we were pregnant and even took several tests which to my dismay were all negative. I hadn't had a period in almost 45 days and was convinced there was something wrong with me. So I called my doctor and explained my frustration with the unpredictability of my cycles, six months of effort with no results, and general concern that maybe something was wrong. She agreed that we should have an infertility consultation and we made an appointment for the following week.

A few days later I joined my old CSU Stanislaus friends at a women's basketball game in Turlock. We got a chance to catch up and reminisce about the good old college days - it was amazing how we've all changed since then. I arrived home from the game after midnight and Jeff had long been asleep. There I was in the bathroom getting ready for bed and a lone pregnancy test stared me in the face. Surely I thought this will be negative, but I hadn't tested in about a week, so I thought I better be 100% sure before I head to this infertility appointment.

Wouldn't you know it? "Pregnant"!!!

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