Friday, June 11, 2010

Telling Jeff

It was hard to sleep the night that I found out I was pregnant. The following day was Valentine's Day and I really wanted to tell Jeff in a way that would be special. I woke up really early in the morning and snuck away to Target to buy a few more pregnancy tests, just to be sure. I strolled past the baby aisle and decided that I wasn't ready yet to fully invest myself in believing it was real. Sure it would be nice to give Jeff a "I Love My Daddy" bib to tell him we were pregnant, but what if we lost the pregnancy again? I wasn't ready for an "I Love My Daddy" item to stare me in the face in an empty bedroom. So, I settled for a simple card - one to compliment the Valentines Day card I planned to give him.

This one said on the front "You Are Going to Be a Great Dad" and then talked about all the wonderful things that fatherhood would entail. At the bottom I just wrote to him "We're Pregnant!" and "I love you".

That afternoon we decided to celebrate Valentine's Day by taking a bike ride through Sycamore Grove and we stopped at the half way point to have a picnic lunch on a bench underneath a tree. It was then that I gave him the cards - not unusual for him to get more than one since I usually go for one romantic and one funny - or maybe even one from the bulldog. When he opened the second card, he paused for a moment and said "What?", "Really'? I told him that yes it was real and explained the tests I had taken. We were both shocked and cautiously optimistic for a better result this time around.

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